
21 August 2024

Here, at Klauke, we appreciate genuine relations and always do our best to #stayconnected to one another. Therefore, meeting you face to face brings us great pleasure and rechanges us with good energy!

You are the professional electricians logging long working hours to build the world’s infrastructure, so thank you! With your help and commitment, we can fully benefit from today’s technology and we can work smarter, not harder.

The past couple of months have been pretty busy, but we are excited we managed to stay connected with you. Thanks for visiting us at some of the most important fairs of the year and thanks for staying in touch with us online, on our social media channels. Your engagement and involvement are highly appreciated and keep us going further.

Now let’s have a walk down memory lane to see which were the events highlighted over the past months.

  1. Klauke Experience Day – Germany

June started with the most awaited event of the year, Klauke Experience Day. On this occasion, we had special guests in our Klauke Headquarters in Remscheid, Germany. 12 electricians and online social influencers visited us and joined us in celebrating two important product launches: Klauke micro-strip and Klauke battery-operated Ratchet Cutters. You can find here more details related to the Klauke Experience Day 2024.

  1. InterSolar – Germany

During the 19th and 21st of June, we took part in Intersolar, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry. The event focused on photovoltaics, solar thermal technologies and solar power plants and we showcased the Klauke tools and solutions suitable for the solar industry. No need to say that the revolutionary Klauke micro-strip was the star of the show!


  1. Rail Live 2024 – United Kingdom

During the 19th and 20th of June we also met in the UK, where we attended Rail Live 2024, the UK's largest rail plant exhibition together with our partners Horizon Utility Supplies Ltd. Rail Live brought 6,000+ rail professionals together to explore the latest innovations and best practices, so the Klauke booth was a huge success.


  1. InstallerShow – United Kingdom

On the last week of June, between the 25th and the 27th, we attended the InstallerShow, the UK’s biggest event that focuses on plumbing, HVAC and electrical installations. Our colleagues in charge of sales in the UK, Tom Betts, Tom O’Neil and Alex Hart introduced visitors to the latest Klauke tools and solutions, including the versatile micro-strip.

Thanks a lot for visiting us during these events! Now, it’s time to slowly go into the summer holidays mood. Rest, relax and enjoy the holidays to the fullest!