Marc Vandevelde and Jean-Claude Wetzels become joint Managing Directors of Gustav Klauke GmbH.
Timothy Reeves becomes Managing Director and a one piece flow assembly line is introduced for production at Remscheid. The aim is to achieve faster production, better delivery performance and even higher levels of quality.

Klauke Remscheid celebrates its 140th anniversary. Unique in the world: In April, the battery-powered hydraulic cutting and crimping tools will be Klauke Orange are presented. These offer protection against electric shock up to 1,000 V.
In May 2018, Klauke India celebrates its 10th anniversary and also moves to new premises. Mid-2018 Klauke Austria also celebrates its 25th anniversary. In July 2018, Gustav Klauke GmbH is acquired by Emerson and is now part of the "Professional Tools" division.
On 4 May 2017, the ceremonial opening of our new production site in Gelnica/Slovakia takes place, so that production is now extended to another location in Slovakia with about 2,000 m². Klauke also opens another hall in the "Auf dem Knapp" industrial estate to expand the logistics area. Klauke Spain moves to its new facilities in Madrid.

Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 are trends that Klauke has already taken up with the next generation and is thus setting new standards. The new battery-powered hydraulic tools have a Bluetooth interface for mobile data read-out and tool configuration. Klauke Bernsdorf has been producing high-quality tools for 25 years.
Klauke launches sale of HDE products in EMEA and India. Introduction of the new Klauke mini for the electrical and plumbing trades. The Klauke Ideas Management Scheme celebrates its tenth anniversary and receives an award from the German Institute for Ideas and Innovation Management. Klauke supports the "Ecurie Aix" team from RWTH Aachen University by providing tools and cable lugs.
The Klauke micro, the world's first electromechanical crimping tool with PowerSense technology is launched on the market. The distribution company Klauke Polska is opened close to Warsaw. Our distribution company Klauke France has been active in the market for 25 years. Gustav Klauke GmbH receives the Bergische Training Award 2014 in the category Of Companies with more than 250 employees.
Klauke Slovakia and Klauke UK introduce SAP. All Klauke companies in Europe are now migrated to SAP. Klauke Iberia, the distribution company for Spain and Portugal is opened in Madrid. Klauke opens a new production facility in China close to the city of Nantong. Greenlee celebrates its 150th anniversary. Klauke Germany and Klauke Slovakia receive an award for occupational safety to commend the low accident rate in recent years.

The distribution office in Bangalore (India) is expanded to industrial premises with assembly capacity, Service Centre and warehouse.Development of activities according to the Lean Management Concept for Marketing/Sales and Administration. The innovative "blue connection" system for the standardised crimping of compacted, multi-stranded conductors according to VDE 0295 Class 2 is introduced onto the market. At the Dolny Kubin site (Slovakia), a second production and administration building is constructed and occupied.
Klauke receives the FACHMETALL QM Context Award. This is in recognition of the continuously high quality of tested materials.
The battery-powered hydraulic crimping, cutting and universal tools of the Safety Plus Generation are launched on the market. Klauke is certified for the first time according to ISO/TS 16949 (quality management system of the automotive industry) and ISO 14001 (environmental management system).
The Klauke India sales office is opened in Bangalore. Utilux Europe, with sites in Slovakia and Great Britain, is bought out and integrated into the Klauke Group.
The distribution company Klauke Russia is established in Moscow. A new central logistics centre is put into operation in Remscheid.

Klauke supports the"Electric Brands. Strong Partners" initiative for increasing brand awarenessand becomes a member of "E-CHECK", the test seal for electrical installations and devices. Klauke complements the existing product range with professional tools for commercial and industrial use.
Greenlee products from the testing, measuring and inspection device range are introduced and distributed through Klauke.
The Klauke Group celebrates 125 years in existence in Remscheid with a big party. The Klauke Service Mobile for on-site operations at customer premises is introduced. The vehicle fleet is continuously expanded over the next few years. The activities of Tempo Europe Limited are fully integrated into Klauke.
The newly defined "Klauke Production Principle" is put into practice under LEAN and KAIZEN perspectives. The cooperation with "Voltimum", the central Internet portal for all information concerning modern electronic installation technology begins.
The Klauke mini, an innovative, light and easy-to-use tool, is produced on a new hydraulic tool platform and introduced onto the market. Together with the geographical expansion, sales of the international plumbing business increases noticeably.
Klauke UK, the sales office for Great Britain and Ireland is opened.
The Klauke multi, the universal tool patented worldwide for crimping, cutting and hole-making is launched onto the market. Expansion of distribution activities through the TEXTRON office in Shanghai.

Karl Gustav Diederichs retires. A new product platform for hand-operated and battery-powered hydraulic crimping tools with 6 and 12 tonnes of crimping force is introduced. SAP R/3 is introduced at the Klauke headquarters in Remscheid.
Expansion of distribution activities through TEXTRON's Singapore office.
Klauke starts marketing Greenlee products in Europe. Hole-making, punching and cutting tools, as well as cable-pulling products are offered.
Klauke is integrated into Textron , the American multi-industry group of companies. This gives the worldwide presence of Klauke and Greenlee products significant impetus. A new building with a further 5,000 m² of production and office spaces emerges on the neighbouring plot in Remscheid-Ueberfeld acquired in 1990.

Klauke attains ISO 9001 certification for the first time.
The first battery-powered hydraulic tool for connecting material is manufactured. The development and distribution of special products for the sanitary and heating industry starts – accompanied by the first catalogue for this field of application.
Klauke Austria is established in Vienna. In the same year, INDIS, headquartered in Creutzwald, is integrated into the Klauke Group as Klauke France. At the same time, Dr Peters is bought out by Klauke. It produced
connecting material and tools.
Following the reunification of Germany, Gustav Klauke GmbH acquires HAW in Saxony, the current Bernsdorf branch covering a total area of 10,000 m².

To keep up with the steady growth, an adjacent 3,000 m2 piece of land is purchased. Thanks to an existing hall, a further 2,000 m2 production area is added. Klauke now has approx. 160 employees.
The entire company moves into the new premises in Remscheid-Ueberfeld. The production and storage facilities now cover some 9,000 m2.
Production in the new halls is started on an area of over 4,000 m2 .
Covering an area of 6,000 m2 , the original premises on Stephanstrasse are too small for continued company growth. In the Remscheid-Überfeld industrial area, land measuring about 17,000 m2 is acquired for the construction of new production, storage and office space.

Gustav Klauke GmbH celebrates its centenary in Remscheid.
Karl-Gustav Diederichs becomes sole Managing Director and oversees 85 employees.
The production of traditional pliers is ceased. At the same time, the production of cable lugs and crimping tools is extended.
Gustav Diederichs' son, Karl-Gustav Diederichs joins the company. There are now 45 employees.
Increasing electrification gives the impetus to the decision to produce cable lugs and corresponding tools.

Following the death of Gustav Klauke II, in keeping with old traditions, the company is managed by his son-in-law Gustav Diederichs together with Max Klauke, and is converted into a limited liability company.
The sales market is expanded by translating the catalogues into French and Spanish.
The first English language catalogue for the pliers range appears. From the outset, Klauke goes for high-quality tools for the international markets too.

The sons of the founder, Gustav Klauke II and Max Klauke, take over the management. The pliers product range is continued
Hand-forged pilers have been dropped and replaced by forged pliers. Mass production has begun. The company has approx. 60 employees.
The Gustav Klauke company is entered in the Commercial Register as a "General Trading Company". The factory space covers 1,200 m2.
In 1879, 24-year old Gustav Klauke and his brother found the Gustav Klauke company in Stephanstrasse in the Osterbusch area of Remscheid, Germany with 5 employees. At the time, the product range comprises high-quality pliers, which find a ready market, primarily in the watchmaker trade, due to clean hand forging.