K 35/4 Crimping tool for replaceable dies 6 - 150 mm²

K 35/4 Crimping tool for replaceable dies 6 - 150 mm²

  • Hoher Komfort: werkzeugloser Presseinsatzwechsel
  • Optimal für den Muffen- und Schaltschrankbau
  • Kraftsparender, wartungsarmer mechanischer Antrieb
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  • Schmalpressung
  • Geringerer Kraftaufwand durch verlängerbare Teleskopgriffe
  • Flexibler Einsatz: Kopf 360° drehbar
  • Schneller Presseinsatzwechsel ohne Nachjustierung durch spezielles Fixiersystem


Länge stufenlos 420-590 mm
Gewicht 1,9 kg
*Klauke® may make improvements and/or changes in the specifications of products at any time, in its sole discretion, without notice or obligation and further reserves the right to change or discontinue models.


Tubular cable lugs and connectors - Cu
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Copper tubular cable lugs and connectors, standard design, tubular cable lugs for switch cabinet connections 
6 - 150 
Crimping dies HR 4
Insulated cable lugs and compression joints, standard type, insulated pin terminals 
10 - 70 
Crimping dies HIS 4
Tubular cable lugs and connectors for fine stranded conductors 
10 - 35 
Crimping dies HF 4
Tubular cable lugs and connectors - Ni, VA
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Tubular cable lugs and connectors – VA 
1,5 - 2,5 
Crimping dies HN 4, indent crimping
Tubular cable lugs and connectors – VA 
4 - 16 
Crimping dies HN 4, double indent crimp
Tubular cable lugs and connectors - Ni 
1,5 - 2,5 
Tubular cable lugs and connectors - Ni 
4 - 16 
Compression cable lugs and connectors to DIN - Cu
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Compression cable lugs (DIN 46235) and connectors (DIN 46237, part 1) according to DIN - Cu 
6 - 120 
Crimping dies HD 4
Solderless terminals, connectors and pin terminals to DIN - Cu
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Solderless terminals (DIN 46234), pin terminals (DIN 46230) and solderless connectors (DIN 46341) according to DIN - Cu 
10 - 35 
Crimping dies HQ 4
Insulated solderless terminals and connectors 
10 - 16 
Crimping dies HISQ 4
Sleeves for compacted conductors and sector shaped conductors – Cu
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Pre-rounding dies for sector-shaped Al and Cu conductors 
16 sm - 150 se / 120 sm 
Crimping dies HRU 4
Compression cable lugs and connectors acc. to DIN
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Compression cable lugs and connectors according to DIN - Al 
10 rm/sm, 95 re/se 
Crimping dies HA 4
Compression cable lugs and connectors - Al/Cu
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile
Aluminium side: HA4 crimping dies; copper side: HD4 crimping dies 
10 rm/sm, 95 re/se 
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
C-type terminal clamps 
10 - 35 
Crimping dies HC 4 / HMC 4
Cable end-sleeves
suitable for Connecting material Crimping range mm² Crimping profile Crimping dies available
Cable end sleeves 
10 - 50 
Crimping dies HAES 4

Ordering Information

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