At Klauke, it is important to us that nobody has health concerns at work.
What do we offer our employees?- Height-adjustable desks and workbenches
- Lifting aids for transporting loads
- Adapted hearing protection for our noise areas
- Yearly flu shots
- Driver safety training

In order to improve working conditions, a new concept for our assembly line has been developed. As part of this redesign, workplace ergonomics at the assembly workstations have been improved. Thanks to these changes, all tools and components needed are within easy reach. Height-adjustable workbenches are also now part of Klauke's new ergonomic workplace concept.
In addition, the filling of our pump housings with hydraulic oil will in future take place under vacuum. On the one hand, this makes it easier to fill them, and on the other hand, this procedure prevents our employees from coming into contact with the oil.

The fire alarm sounds and the employees immediately leave the building. Just moments later, the fire brigade arrives with its flashing lights. The fire brigade studies the fire alarm system and quickly finds the triggering detector. The fire brigade plans are now studied to find the best entrance and shortest route. There is no sign of smoke and flames. This is simply a fire drill set up with the volunteer fire brigade for training purposes.
Drills such as these enable the fire brigade to get to know Klauke's premises in order to act quickly in an emergency. In addition our employees also learn how to react quickly to such an event. In this way, everyone knows which evacuation route is the fastest and where the corresponding collection points are located.

In order for everyone to be able to help in an emergency, Klauke gives every employee the opportunity to practise using a fire extinguisher. This is why we regularly carry out fire drills, ensuring that the many participants are not only trained in theory but also in practice.
In theory, care is taken to ensure that all useful information is shared. From the right extinguishing medium, through the various possible fire situations, to the theoretical operation of a fire extinguisher. All aspects are discussed before finally handling the fire extinguisher. In cooperation with a professional service partner, the theoretical knowledge is used to effectively extinguish a pan of burning spirits.