Screw connector with 4 screws, with shear head, bright finished

Screw connector with 4 screws, with shear head, bright finished

  • Zum Verbinden unterschiedlicher Leitertypen und Materialien, z. B. nach DIN EN 60228 Kl.1 und 2
  • Ideal zum Verbinden gleicher und ungleicher Leiterquerschnitte
  • Sichere Verarbeitung durch Leitereinschubkontrolle (unterschiedliche Materialien dürfen sich nicht berühren)
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  • Spezielles Rillenprofil im Innern zur Zerstörung der Oxidationsschicht beim Verschrauben
  • Wahlweise mit Gewindestift oder Abreißkopf
  • Ausführung mit 4 Schrauben


  • Klemmkörper: hochfeste Aluminiumlegierung
  • Schrauben: Kupferlegierung verzinnt


  • Wahlweise blank oder verzinnt

Additional information

  • re = rund eindrähtig, rm = rund mehrdrähtig, se = sektorförmig eindrähtig, sm = sektorförmig mehrdrähtig


Cable type
Cable type Description
Multi-strand compacted sector-shaped conductor 120° (Class 2 according to EN 60228) made from bright finish or metal-encased annealed copper, aluminium or aluminium alloy respectively 
Multi-strand uncompacted conductor (Class 2 according to EN 60228) made from bright finish or metal-encased annealed copper, aluminium or aluminium alloy respectively 
Single-strand compacted sector-shaped conductor 120° (Class 1 according to EN 60228) made from aluminium or aluminium alloy 
Single-strand conductor (Class 1 according to EN 60228) made from bright finish or metal-encased annealed copper, aluminium or aluminium alloy respectively 
Multi-strand compacted sector-shaped conductor 90° (Class 2 according to EN 60228) made from bright finish or metal-encased annealed copper, aluminium or aluminium alloy respectively 
Multi-strand compacted conductor (Class 2 according to EN 60228) made from bright finish or metal-encased annealed copper, aluminium or aluminium alloy respectively 
Single-strand compacted sector-shaped conductor 90° (Class 1 according to EN 60228) made from aluminium or aluminium alloy 

Ordering Information

Ordering information
PART NO. Nominal cross-section mm² Dimensions mm Torque Nm Weight/100 pcs. ~kg PU/pcs.
re rm se sm d1 D L SW
SV305AK 16 - 95  16 - 95  50 - 95  35 - 95 (r), 35 - 70  25  92  20  12 
SV306AK 35-50  35-185  50-150 (120°), 50-185 (90°)  35-150, 35-185 (r)  32  108  25  25